Harben Improvements

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Round 3 - Final Presentation and Project update

Dear Residents,

Camden Council has teamed up with environmental charity Groundwork to improve the Green Spaces on the Harben Estate. Following resident feedback in October 2023 and February 2024, we have listened to your ideas and created a final design that we would like to share with you, as we aim to start delivering the scheme later this year.

Also, the London Mural Festival will be speaking to residents about their plans to improve the walls behind the muga with an exciting wall art mural.

We will also be asking residents if they would support a DMC funding bid to upgrade the existing play equipment on the estate as we need to evidence resident support when making the funding application.

If you have any comments on the above project updates then please give us your feedback by completing the online survey by Monday 12 August 2024.

You can also come and talk to us about the updates above at the resident event:

Date: Saturday 3 August 2024

Time:(Anytime between) 1pm - 3pm

Location: Harben Estate Play Area

A formal invitation to the event should arrive in the post and I look forward to speaking with you at the next resident session.

If you are unable to attend the event, you can view the new design and find out more information about the project on the commonplace website below: harbenimprovements.commonplace.is

Posted on 25th July 2024

by Daniel Bailey

Round 2 Resident Feedback Report

Dear Harben Estate resident,

The greening improvement project is progressing well and moving towards an advanced design stage. The project began with Camden asking residents for their initial ideas about how the green spaces on the estate could be improved and we recently shared design options with residents as part of the Round 2 engagement.

We launched an online survey on 5 February and closed it on the 1 March 2024. We also spoke to residents at our Resident engagement event on 22 February 2024, between 12pm and 5pm.

Since the survey closed we have been reviewing the feedback and will be finalising the design. The final design will be shared with residents by Summer 2024. In the meantime we have compiled all the responses received and created a summary report sharing what residents told us.

This report can be found on the Commonplace and in the link below:


We will be in touch in the next few weeks with the new design and will again ask residents for their feedback.

Best Wishes,

Daniel Bailey

Camden Council

Green Space Project Officer

Posted on 25th March 2024

by Daniel Bailey

Round 2 Resident Feedback Begins

Hi All,

Camden Council has teamed up with environmental charity Groundwork to improve the Green Spaces on the Harben Estate. Following resident feedback in October 2023, we have listened to your ideas and created a new design that we would like to share with you for feedback.

With your help we can create an attractive space for all residents to enjoy. Give us your feedback on the new designs by completing the online survey by Friday 1 March 2024.

You can also come and talk to usabout the new designs at the next resident feedback event:

Date: Thursday 22 February 2024

Time:(Anytime between) 12pm - 5pm

Location:Harben Estate Play Area

A formal invitation to the event should arrive in the post and I look forward to speaking with you at the next resident session on Thursday 22 February 2024.

If you are unable to attend the event, you can view the new design and find out more information about the project on the commonplace website below: harbenimprovements.commonplace.is

Posted on 5th February 2024

by Daniel Bailey

Round 1 Resident Feedback Report

Dear Harben Estate resident,

The greening improvement project is now well underway. The project began with Camden asking residents for their initial ideas about how the green spaces on the estate could be improved. We launched an online survey on 25 September and closed it on the 9 October 2023. We also spoke to residents at our Resident engagement event on 5 October 2023, between 2pm and 6pm.

Since the survey closed we have been reviewing the feedback and developing a concept design to share with residents later this month. In the meantime we have compiled all the responses received and created a summary report sharing what residents told us.

This report can be found in the link below:

Harben Estate Round 1 Resident Engagement Report.pdf

We will be in touch in the next few weeks with the new design and will again ask residents for their feedback.

Best Wishes,

Daniel Bailey

Camden Council

Green Space Project Officer

Posted on 14th November 2023

by Daniel Bailey

Resident Feedback Begins

Camden Council is teaming up with environmental charity Groundwork to improve the green spaces on the Harben Estate. We will be looking to make changes to the Multi use games area and the surrounding green spaces and want to hear from local residents.

Please give us your feedback and complete the surveyMonday 9 October 2023:


Posted on 25th September 2023

by Daniel Bailey