Harben Improvements


  • Appoint design consultant

    August 2023




    August 2023

    Appoint a landscape architect to develop proposals for Harben Estate and engage with local residents.
  • Round 1 - Resident Engagement Period

    25 September 2023




    9 October 2023

    Groundwork to engage with residents for ideas on improving the outdoor space.
  • Resident Engagement Event

    5 October 2023, 2pm




    5 October 2023, 6pm

    Groundwork to host an on-site event with residents for ideas on improving the outdoor space.
  • Develop Concept Design Ideas

    October 2023




    October 2023

    Groundworks to develop initial concept design ideas for the estate.
  • Round 2 - Resident Engagement Period

    5 February 2024




    1 March 2024

    Groundworks will share their initial concept design ideas via commonplace for resident feedback.
  • Resident Engagement Event 2

    22 February 2024, 12pm




    22 February 2024, 5pm

    Groundwork to host an on-site event with residents for ideas on improving the outdoor space.
  • Develop detailed design

    March 2024




    April 2024

    Groundworks will consider all feedback and develop the scheme to detailed design stage.
  • Technical design work

    May 2024




    July 2024

    Groundworks will progress the design to technical design stage so that the scheme can be sent to a contractor.
  • Round 3 - Resident Final Design Presentation (including LMF Update)

    3 August 2024, 1pm




    3 August 2024, 3pm

    Camden will organise an event to share the final proposals with residents and include an update on the London Mural Festival.
  • Cost Design and Engage with a landscape contractor for delivery

    August 2024




    September 2024

    Camden will engage with a contractor to deliver the works.
  • Appoint a landscape contractor to deliver the works

    July 2024




    September 2024

    Camden will appoint a landscape contractor to deliver the works.
  • Works commence

    October/November 2024




    February 2025

    The appointed contractor will being works on site.